30th august 2022
i have mascara in myeyeeee
i am about 80%? done with the new layout i have made for here! tbh i think i started making it well over a year ago i just never got round to finishing it. but it's been worth the wait! i can tell i haven't coded a layout in a while as i am a little rusty with the html but hopefully it'll retain the 00s charm and still be compatible with browsers.
i have a deadline coming up very soon so i'm going to concentrate on that this evening, maybe i'll get the layout up by the end of the week, i'll certainly try at least.
not much news today, just listening to youtube and huggin my cat
28th august 2022
i forgot how wholesome hellogoodbye's album zombies! aliens! vampires! dinosaurs! was. damn even typing that takes me back to 2008 myspace
oh to be 14 again 
last few days have been more productive than usual! although i am missing bf a lot. i don't know what day he's gonna come back next week :( but i am sleeping better than i thought i would? tbh i do have a killer ear infection right now so once i take my anti biotic, get ready for bed, and take painkillers i'm just about knocked out. plus running/doing stuff in the day is making sure i sleep well. i'm getting to bed at 10pm and waking up at around 8am without an alarm! weooo.
i've been working super hard lately on one of my passion projects, Salvaged.nu. if you're into photoshop brushes and making graphics on photoshop of celebrities, you might love this site!! i'm basically trawling through dead websites on the wayback machine and salvaging any resources that were available to download on these websites, then repairing the file/updating them to newer formats and making them available once again to redownload.
23rd august 2022
one of the nicer things about working at a lazy cafe is that i can read as many books as i'd like. i ahve the opportunity to get little tasks done, like learning to draw, reading, planning my week, and now blogging.
i want to see if i can blog regularly again. i think it'd be kinda good for self-reflection and having something to talk to(talk at?). i've been noticing i've been heading on a downward surge lately, like skipping brushing my teeth at night, too many naps, not looking after my skin. so maybe getting into the swing of blogging is a good thing.
bf has gone back home for a week which leaves me and the cat alone in the house. i hate being alone in the house, i always get super scared at night and sleep terrbily. so when i get home this evening, i'm going to immediately get changed and go for a run, hopefully the burst of energy will help me sleep later on. and then after that i'm gonna clean the house, paint, maybe do some other web-projects, and watch some tv.
feeling ok. let's see how this evening goes. hour and a half to go at work..