31st december 2022
happy new year!! it's not quite midnight here, infact we've got six hours to go, and i'm doing my yearly ritual of putting things in place, making sure my filofax is ready to go, and reflecting on the year and the year to come. maybe i'll ask for a tarot reading from a dear friend...
despite having a little under six hours to go, i haven't made decent headway into a book that would polish off my goodreads goal of reading 75 books. i'm on book 75 as we speak!! can i squeeze in 120 pages in 6 hours? maybe... but i'm still very impressed with 74 books in one year. wow!
i want to reduce my goal next year to 36, approx 3 books a month, and see how i go from there. i am most likely going to be moving across the country again (boyfriend and cat in tow!), which means finding a new job (again), a new house, a new everything. so i think my reading time will be greatly impacted. i'm very lucky that i work in a quiet job where i can read to my hearts desire right now.
i hope 2023 brings us all the best of times. i'm excited, the beginnings of things (years, jobs, houses, ages) always bring about a spiritual feeling to me... i love it. i appreciate it.
thanks for reading my blogs this year! i love you all!
21st december 2022
i've been toying with the idea of making my past layouts switchable, i love them but hate that they're inaccessible!
i'll have to fix some code throughout the layouts too, as i've tweaked the code from layout to layout. thank you vencake for the link to the tutorials!
i finished work for the christmas break today
i get 11 days off. hoping to be able to do the layout fix during that period of time.
i have a huge list of things to do tonight before i go to bed, sheesh it's gonna be a long night.........
- mop kitchen and bathroom
- wrap presents
- ironing
- pack for christmas!
- wipe condensation from windows
- paint a little
- work on inbox 0
- floss teeth, treat my skin, relax
18th december 2022
I was gonna blog yesterday but was too tired so i just went to bed instead. yawn
christmas is in one week, i think i've just about finished my christmas shopping, i just need to wrap up stuff.
it's so bitterly cold today, and yesterday, and well, most of this week has been too cold. our house gets very cold, so as much as i want to give the bathroom a thorough end of year scrub, i'm too cold to do so
i was thinking about ways around this and thought the room might warm up if i run the shower for a few minutes before hand? hmm.. 
i would also like to clean out the fridge and freezer a bit before christmas, which requires hot soapy water! so i could always do that
as well as other house chores, like mopping and hoovering.
i did rip my trousers yesterday, so i could sit under my electric blanket and repair that. yup i can do that
11th december 2022
need... motivation... to put on jeans... and to go to the shop... to buy some groceries... and maybe some snacks?
not gonna lie, it's been a really rubbish week. i slept in super bad on monday and missed a lot of work. and i had a bad migraine friday so i couldn't go into work then either :( i had a lot of pressure behind my sinuses/eye area and i think it ended up being one big ol' headache. it seems to have gone away now, hot baths and showers helped (the steam was good).
today's list is a shopping list
- bread!
- ham
- butter
- cocoa powder?
- maybe some fishsticks
- maybe some biscuits
- hey that rhymed!
- juice
4th december 2022
i'm feeling a lot better today, so i think i'm gonna go back to work tomorrow. thankfully it's usually really quiet on mondays, so i think i'll be able to chill out and read my book with little bother.
tuesdays on the otherhand, whew...
so hoping it'll be a gentle start to the week.
nothing too exciting happening the past week. i did a load of brushes for salvaged, put up the christmas decorations, chatted with friends, and watched a lot of youtube videos. i hope that next week is better for me.
in the meantime, i might treat myself to a lovely bath, with a glass of wine and my book! wow, i really am in my late 20s...
2nd december 2022
i'm still sick. feeling a bit better, but still not 100%. i'm wondering if this is the flu and not a cold as i first thought.
stuff i can do now
light fire and make some dinner
message R about cover
message jk about sc
sort through PSPBrushes on old hard drive - remove duplicates and salvaged ones, rescue odd ones.
- message S about presents for K and E
- reschedule the following:
stuff i can do at a later date
hoover/sweep up a bit
- spray bathroom ceiling with mould remover (rental woes)
- paint for a little while
- clean shower room
1st december 2022
i went into work yesterday despite still being sick, and today i woke up feeling even worse. so i have spent the day on the sofa listening to true crime videos and drinking tea. 
it was payday today! so i think i'm going to start doing some christmas shopping this weekend.
this time last year, i'd finished the christmas shop by now
so i'm really pushing it late this year. hopefully i'm not too late for buying things...
i love lists
email library re: zine arrival
mesage R about cover
sort through PSPBrushes on old hard drive - remove duplicates and salvaged ones, rescue odd ones.
start making a sign advertising jacket potatoes at work on adobe fresco
- hoover/sweep up a bit
- mop??
- spray bathroom ceiling with mould remover (rental woes)
- paint for a little while
- message S about presents for K and E
- clean shower room (ha, not likely! maybe when i'm feeling better)
have a great evening!