29th november 2022
i've got a horrible cold right now, and period pain on top of it.
oh, the cherry on top is that our washing machine just died too! it's not draining or spinning very well - i've checked the lint trap, that's fine. i opened the washing machine after it was done with a load and noticed that the clothes were still quite wet - so i set it to spin. the spin cycle finished early and gave the error of having an unbalanced load. at this point i checked the lint trap. afterwards i decided to go for an additional rinse cycle and at that point i noticed a rubbery-burny smell to it, and before i could turn it off at the plug the machine gave an 'unable to drain' error. so now my clothes are stuck inside the washing machine sat in a watery prison as it has not drained. yuck.
i've reported this to my landlord, lets see how long it takes him to get this sorted. 
i'm gonna take some painkillers and then keep moving so the cramps don't get the better of me, maybe i'll dust the surfaces (as i know they need doing) and then plan my december - as well as planning christmas gifts! i can't believe it's december this week...
27th november 2022
i'm not really in the mood to blog but i haven't done so in a few days so here i am.
few days were BUSY! i did get paid the correct amount this month which was very nice of my work, how thoughtful
so treated myself to a Wild deodorant - the one with the refillable aluminiium case. so far so good!
work was fine this week, despite an encounter with an angry middle-aged-lady who grabbed my arm and told me "not to scream at her like a banshee across the room" when i politely told her to not vape inside. do not worry, i have reported the member to the head of department and action will be taken against her. i don't consider myself affected by it at all - i've worked too long in hospitality to give a shit what middle aged ladies think about me, and to be honest, the more middle-aged white women that hate me the better.
i was more concerned that if it was someone else on the bar that day who maybe wasn't as headstrong/confident as i am, that would effect them more deeply. also, don't fucking grab the employees. goodbye "karen".
in positive news! i got an extra omlette and slice of bacon in my morning breakfast roll on saturday because i was happy to wait for the server to cook bacon. AND i got to take my drink outside as i asked the security person first if i could take it out with me (whilst at the winter christmas market!). so it's a good weekend despite everything.
i have a huge pile of short books (under 250 pages) to read through this week, i'm very behind on goodreads!
hoping to get some more books this week to power me through december. have a great week ahead
23rd november 2022
there were so many poorly pigeons on my commute home today. bird flu in the UK is no joke
please report any sick or dead birds to DEFRA or the RSPCA/SSPCA if you're in the UK and find any. my only hope is that any survivors of this terrible virus has an immunity which they will then pass onto their young...
i wish i could rescue them all 
today i am on a one woman mission to get as much as my to do list done as possible. i have my bag of skittles and cup of tea at the ready. i have the list (several, the same list, different formats, in different orders, aaahhhh...
) and i'm ready to go. next up is to spend some time painting whilst listening to youtube. it's weird typing it down, how i've been procrastinating something that brings me so much joy and something people would love to be able to tick off their list before anything else. i need to be more thankful for my to do list.
i was thinking earlier at work, how maybe 200/300 years ago, to be a woman wearing mens attire (jeans, a sweater), working, earning her own money, drinking tea, reading books, painting in her spare time would make me incredibly fortunate. "she can spend her time painting, drinking the finest leaves grown in india, is literate and is educated to a master level". i hope my female ancestors are proud of me. i would like to make them proud.
on a different note (or similar note?) i've been reading 'all the things she said: everything i know about modern lesbian and bi culture' by daisy jones. it's really made me want to rewatch The L Word, Gentleman Jack, Sugar Rush, and other types of queer lesbian shows (that don't cater to the male gaze). Please let me know ifyou have any recommendations! 
i'm gonna paint for a little while now. i want to be in bed for 9.
21st november 2022
quick blog before i leave work. had to raise an issue with paypal bc UPS still charged me for a parcel that didn't send (i was the sender) and was returned to me. and they won't respond to my emails (UPS that is!) so i'm gonna see if i can send the parcel via another carrier other than UPS because contacting a real human and understanding the invoices and paperwork to send a handful of zines across the pond is harder than it needs to be. luckily paypal have sent me back my money, hoping that it maybe gives UPS an incentive to email me now. ughhhh. annoying huh.
i have had a kinda busy day at work today, sold a whole bunch of jacket potatoes, toasties and sandwiches! so now i'm gonna run some errands, go home, and do more hobby ish activities 
I'm a sucker for a list
pick up prescription
drop off library book, pay fines
pick up some groceries
sweep up & tidy up
- paint!!
20th november 2022
[update: i organised my many blog posts into individual monthly archives. click the 2022 on the side to navigate through august - present!]
i've been keeping busy today, i tidied my house, did a load of laundry, ironed clothes, cleaned the bathroom, and had the first meeting of our next zine. phew. and did a bit of web project-y work too. i still want to sweep the kitchen, paint for a little bit and repair a hole in a shirt before i get ready for bed though. ho hum.
19th november 2022
i'm sat on my sofa, underneath my electric blanket with my cat curled up on my lap. i have a cup of tea, a glass of orange juice, a box of grapes and plenty of biscuits. the fire is on, with freshly washed laundry drying infront of it. the dehumidifier is humming and youtube is playing on the tv. i have things to do but nothing immediate. i am relaxed. i am content. things could be better but they could also be worse. i'm not worried about money, i can afford to buy lunch and coffee once a week, pay my bills, and have a fridge full of food. payday is friday. i'm confident about the amount of money i will be getting. i'm fortunate. i'm lucky. i'm content.
17th november 2022
i've been really tired this week, think i might treat myself to a vanilla latte on my way home from work today.
stuff to do when i get home
tidy house up and set the fire going
work on salvaged on my new laptop!
set up laptop with all my files first... note to future belle: might need to convert some old file formats to be compatible with new photoshop first!
- spend some time painting whilst listening to youtube videos i've been saving in my watch later list
- trim my hair
- email ups via the UK email address
try making an animated gif for this website (and salvaged!) on photoshop due to new laptop being able to handle it
floss teeth, apply retinol to face, moisturise body and face!!! (the winter is killing my skin)
not much to update with, maybe throughout the evening i'll cross this list off.
15th november 2022
grr i made three baked potatoes this morning at work and no one has bought them. i'm gonna get some beans and more toppings for tomorrow, hopefully they'll sell then! 
my laptop arrived early! wahooooo. i spent all of yesterday evening setting it up and attempting to download stuff onto it which takes a bit more brainpower than i was initally expecting. also treated myself to a bit of nordvpn so i can torrent watch international netflix in peace 
i'm slightly behind with getting tasks and jobs done, my to do list feels as long as my arm today. i want to make a website button for this website so people can feel free to add my button to their blogs. and a similar one for my webproject salvaged.nu.
also gotta paint, grocery shopping, update instagram, tidy up last nights dishes, do some essential zine admin work and plan the next meeting, fix a shirt i ripped at the back.... sigh.
does anyone else feel like they have a never ending list of things to do? gonna take a deep breath when i get home and power through as much as i can. maybe i'll treat myself with a cup of peppermint tea under the electric blanket whilst watching japanese netflix.
i know when its all written down its not a lot, and i don't have to do anything on the list if i don't want, but sometimes it makes my heart rate sky rocket and i get antsy and restless.
november is also turning out to be more expensive than i first thought. i'll be okay. just gotta make my own cups of tea for a while.
13th november 2022
chocolate mug cake and a cup of tea after some homemade chicken soup
working six days out of seven this week has worn me out. i think i'm still working next weekend, but have only taken extra shifts in the evenings so i have a lie in on saturday at least. 
i'm very excited to get my new laptop on wednesday! i can't wait to load up all my programs on and files and really jump straight in on completing more web hobbies and web projects than before. i'm smiling just thinking about it. it's silly thinking how excited i am over something very material but i'm happy to be able to as productive as i know i can be (hobby wise at least!) although it does mean i'll be reading less books at work.
i'm currently about halfway through the lord of the rings and i'm really enjoying it! it's my goal to read 75 books this year and i've reached about 64
. i think i'll catch upon more book reading over the christmas period, as i'm planning to go to scotland with my partner to spend christmas with their family.
i guess i'm just feeling very positive about everything which is such a change from how i was a week or so ago. 
gonna finish up the evening with some painting, then chat to friends on discord for a while, and then head to bed. have a great week ahead everybody
10th november 2022
i'm so cold, brrrr. gonna light the fireplace after this blog.
i'm feeling positive today, more so than yesterday. but i'm reaching that point in the week where i start to regret taking on extra weekend work instead of having the weekend freee... but christmas isn't gonna pay for itself huh.
not much else to say i suppose. bloggers block?? idkk. maybe i'm too chilllyyyy.
9th november 2022
i bit the bullet and bought the laptop!!!!!! it arrives next week 
quickish update maybee as i want to paint for a little while and watch some tv in bed.
not much has been happening with my life, had a busy week of work - home - housework - repeat.i've been run down a bit / down in the dumps lately so i've been taking it easy with painting and keeping up with online project work. this will hopefully change with the laptop!
have a great day x
1st november 2022
i'm feeling better than i was this morning. my pay for my full time job was late too would you believe! luckily i have my savings so i was able to replace any money which left my account before i was paid, thus sending me into my overdraft. i've done some maths and i have a comfortable amount for november as long as i don't buy coffees or snacks on my way to and from work hahaha. i am so ready to buy my new laptop! it's exciting. i know if i don't buy it now i'm gonna end up putting it off, but honestly i would love to be able to engage in my web hobbies and complete zine work on the commute or during down time at work, or even tucked up infront of the fire at home. i love my 2011 iMac dearly, but my life has changed drastically since i was 18 and i need something more portable. it's served me 11 years this month and i'll be sad to see it go. my dad has said he will buy it from me to replace the older imac he has in his workshop, so i can still visit it occasionally. i have such fond feelings for this computer
i don't think i'll paint tonight, i've been feeling pretty tired getting up in the morning so i think i'm just going to have a bath, read my book, maybe finish some knitting and go to sleep.