31st october 2022
i'm less pissed than i was earlier.
i'm still kinda annoyed that i won't be getting my pay til the end of november, but i'm okay financially. it's payday tomorrow anyway.
despite the fact they fucked up my pay, i've opted for loads of extra weekend shifts throughout november to help fund christmas.
november is looking like it's going to be quite expensive too, i'm planning on buying a new laptop within the next two weeks, my zine will need two print runs, i have a dentist appointment on friday, and i have a couple domains due for renewal at the end of the month... yup. i was also considering joining a gym as the clocks going back have made it too dark to go on runs after work.
i'll do some maths when my pay comes in and then make a decision then. i don't want to be caught short at the end of the month.
painting is going well. i'm gonna do some more tonight but gonna clean off my pallete first as it's getting kinda grimy 
things i want to accomplish in november
- finish and send the summer '22 zine to print
- begin a fall/winter '22/23 bumper zine
- buy laptop and reinstall all my programs
- send zines to library
- spend more time on little web projects i never seem to have time for

- carry on painting
- get lots of little web based to dos completed.
27th october 2022
one of my jobs forgot to pay me yesterday. yup. you read that right.
for context, i have two jobs. a full-time job which pays my bills and rent, and a casual contract/zero hours job that i use when i need a bit extra cash (the topic of having to have two jobs in the first place is a conversation for a different time. capitalism is evil
) the job that forgot to pay me was the casual contract job.
ok so,, i didn't have any shifts in the last pay period. so when payday came around i didn't get paid and i thought "hey that's normal! that's fine!". i did a couple shifts in this pay period however. ask my boyfriend, ask the colleague i get the train home with at night, etc. i was there. this is important!
so payday comes around and ... no pay?
have i been taken off the payroll? what has happened here? so began my quest to contact HR/payroll/anyone in charge of that to see what has happened.
i ring the front desk of where i work. no answer. it is impossible to find a straight forward way to contact HR or payroll. there is no number and i only found out their email through asking a colleague. i send HR an email... no response. i ended up ringing a customer line in the meantime on the off chance they could put me through to HR and they couldn't do that. i end up ringing the department i work in. they said to email them and they would forward it to HR.... which i had already done, but hey i thought maybe two emails would be better than one?
my boss rings me later that evening and apologises, says my shift wasn't confirmed (in which case, who forgot to
confirm it?????) and therefore i wasn't paid. said my pay will come into my account by the end of next week. okay a slight relief! until...
today i get an email from HR saying my pay will be put forward into NOVEMBERS PAY. IF I WANTED IT NOW I WOULD ONLY GET 70% OF MY EARNINGS. why? they said because it's an advance it would have to override and gets a charge taken. excuse me? it's not an advance.... it's late
i gave up and agreed to be paid in november. i'm angry but exhausted about this. this is unacceptable.
imagine if i didn't know someone who had HR's email. if this was my only job. i am fine money wise. but the whole base of the situation is appalling.
i'm gonna listen to a animal crossing stream and then paint. and then have an early night.
23rd october 2022
i'm feeling pretty accomplished today. i've swept, hoovered the rug, emptied the foodbin, changed the cat litter, washed up multiple loads of dishes, done a load of laundry and tidied up. AND spent time on web projects! i'm on a roll this weekend. i also got a load of knitting done last night too! woooohoo.
i have a lot of old polo shirts from my old job that i'm thinking of turning into 'shirt yarn' and knitting some takeaway cup warmers for the regulars who come into my work as mini christmas presents - they'll be machine washable compard to the wool i have (which i think would shrink if i tried to wash it)
i'm a little busy at the moment (in the process of making banana bread) so i'm gonna shoot off, and do some painting once the banana bread has finished baking and the current load of laundry has finished its cycle.
i'm happy!!!!!!!!!!
22nd october 2022
i'm so hungry, bf is making tea and it smells soooo good. 
i refused to be human today til like 2pm, i slept in and listened to youtube videos and napped, so i feel that the day has flown by! although i might use this to give myself the excuse to stay up past my 'bedtime'... yes i am 28. yes i have given myself a bed time (10:30pm), that's what growing up does to you.
so far today i have:
- cleaned the kitchen
- soaked some stained clothes
- done a load of laundry
- spent time working on web projects
- ironed clothes
- and now, blogged

it feels nice telling people about my acheivments. even if they are little ones! and even if no one reads this. 
i've been really holding out on getting a new laptop. i currently have a 27" imac from 2011
and i really need something portable. it's gonna be a huge investment and i really want it to last 11 years at least like my imac has done for me so far. i'm leaning towards the macbook pro 14" with the m1 pro chip that has the max cpu and gpu it can hold. and 32GB ram... it's gonna be expensive but i want to hold out to see how bills turn out this month before making the big plunge. plus there are rumours about the M2 Pro chips coming out, but that wil come with an increased price point for sure. i suppose if it's too expensive i can always see if i can get a refurbished m1 pro.
ho hum. i'm gonna grab some food, paint for a bit, and end my night with some knitting.
18th october 2022
i had to miss work today due to crippling period pain in the night
i feel so bad as it was last minute and we had an event on today that my boss couldn't find cover for. i feel super guilty but honestly the last thing i want is to be passing out at work or on the train commute. hopefully i should be okay tomorrow, i knew this period was gonna be heavy as my last couple periods have been really light.
luckily i've been okay as the day has gone on. gonna keep taking painkillers as i need them and keep my heat pad on hand.
speaking of heat pad, we bit the bullet and bought a lovely electric blanket!
my cat has been loving it the most, hopefully it'll help us keep costs down with the rising energy bills. we've also ordered a huge pallete of logs for our log fire, which will help dry laundry instead of using the drier.
after writing about my painting problem yesterday, i felt more confident to paint afterwards. i'm getting a bit frustrated with practicing colour matching again, it's hard! and i think i need to sand down some areas to start again as they are really thick. huh. i think i will try painting some of the little detailed areas instead of focusing on the larger areas, as those are the areas i've tried to focus on the most lately and have been giving me the most grief. maybe changing it up can helppp
16th october 2022
i've had a good weekend! i feel that i've done a lot of stuff, working on personal projects, getting my to do list ticked off, and housework. it's a good feelinggg 
lets seeee. i hoovered the floors, made chocolate flapjacks, did loads of ironing and laundry loads, cleaned my makeup brushes, and worked on a couple website projects! salvaged.nu and 00s.
i haven't been feeling very motivated to paint lately. which has been making me feel guilty, because i know it's a talent that needs nuturing and i'm neglecting it. is it the mess? is it that i have a cat and have to clean up very particularly every time? hmmmm. i don't know. i know that i remember really missing having a studio space when i lived at my parents, missed having a studio space that was closer even when i had one. and now when i have one within literal touching distance (no joke, i can TOUCH it from where i'm sat) i'm not wanting to paint.
do i want to paint anymore? a lot can change in ten years. it's something i enjoy doing, i just wish i could bottle up that feeling i get after i paint, and open the cap to sniff it's aroma every time i need a reminder of why i still paint.
well. it's just gone 8pm. i'll set a timer for 30 mins and see what painting stuff i can do. honestly just talking about what i've been feeling here in regards to painting has helped me out a lot.
peace x
8th october 2022
what a week! i saw morrissey on tuesday, almost spoke on a popular radio show on thursday about bisexuality, and i get a hair cut tomorrow. maybe that's not a lot but it is for me 
i spent a week at my parents which was nice
always lovely to have my mum's dinners and to see my cockatiels and family.
not much updates from me apart from that, i'm kinda cold, so i'm gonna make a hot water bottle and paint for a little bit. maybe sweep the kitchen, maybe clean the windows down (we have a lot of spider webs) and then do some knitting. late 20s life ftw