17th November 2024
one thing i need
a large glass of water, or orange juice. something with vitamins, sugar to heal my soul
two things i want
i want to tidy my flat after the lovely weekend i've had with my friends, and make a to do list of tasks i want to get completed today.
three things i am in abundance of
love for and from my friends, my partner, my family. gratitude for the communities i am in, how kind people are. and chapsticks! can never have enough in my place. dry skin foreverrrr
four things that are optional
i don't have to worry about scenarios that have not happened, and most likely will not happen.
i don't have to go anywhere today.
i don't have to watch the news.
i don't have to expose myself to things that will upset me, even if they're just in my head.
23rd September 2024
I don't blog nearly as much as I feel I should. I always feel the need to blog when I am alone (currently home alone this weekend), and therefore alone with my thoughts.
Maybe that's why I don't blog much anymore - I've found myself in a place where I don't feel alone. I have a great job, wonderful colleagues, lovely friends, an exceptional partner, and the furriest cat in the world. I engage with my hobbies, often and deeply, and find happiness in the little things like watching the washing machine clean my clothes, inhaling the scent of library books, and falling asleep to YouTube videos on my phone.
my life may not be perfect, don't get me wrong, there are many things i wish i could change, but i definitely feel happy. what's a word that's the opposite of alone? in company.
3rd January 2024
Happy new year! I suppose I was supposed to blog on the 1st as I usually do, but I've been spending my Christmas break catching up on my YouTube 'watch later' playlist, knitting, and getting really into GTAV roleplayers on Twitch. 
First two days of the new year have been good so far. My intentions with going to my parents for the Christmas and New Year period was to really be as relaxed as possible, focus on myself. My skincare routine has never been so consistent, I've knitted a coffee cup cosy and a hot water bottle cover (Link to the pattern here - 'Hottle Bottle'), read a couple books, and worked on other hobby projects that can be done via my parent's wifi connection. Like this new layout, for example 
It's my last full day here until I go back home to my cat and partner. I'm looking forward to it, I'm ready to be a human again with responsibilities like laundry, emptying bins, cleaning up, and working. Not that I haven't been helping around the house whilst I've been here, of course I have!
Tomorrow, I'd like to help my mum work on this Christmas puzzle she started today, do some last minute laundry to take advantage of my parent's very fancy washing machine & tumble drier, and work on the next Queen Beat Zine... Very wholesome to do list.