Welcome to Avenue: the blog of a 30 year old woman stuck in the throes of adulthood and balancing existence.
You might be familiar with my other websites, such as Salvaged.nu and @00sbloglayouts!
See below for my other projects!
Belle. 30 (03/03/1994). UK. Tealy-blue hair and green eyes. Painter, knitter, quilter, ziner. Will talk to you for hours. INFJ. Has had a very obvious crush on Frank Iero since she was 12... Loves Birds. Tea. Art. Webdesign. Going on adventures! Hates Cheese, her sprained wrist, and driving. find me elsewhere on the internet here.
The following bloggers are attempting 'Bloganuary' with me - to blog as much as you can for January. ♥ Please let me know if you'd like to join! AliceInAvocadoLand